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Near the sea

Here is a list of Italian language and culture schools that are located no more than 30km from the sea. You can attend a course in the morning and then go to the beach in the afternoon by transport without inconvenience. Or viceversa...

Istituto Galileo GalileiVia degli Alfani, 68 - Florence (FI) - Contact
Istituto Galileo Galilei - Intensive and strongly personalized Italian one-to-one and small group courses. Tailor-made programs and flexible schedules.  Since 1985 the school is located in the center of Florence, only a 5-minute walk from the Cathedrale.
Solemar AcademyVia M.C. Tomasini, 5 - Cefalù (PA) - Contact
Solemar Academy is a boutique school located in Cefalù, Sicily, just a few steps from the sea. We offer quality Italian courses with native speakers and accommodation for all budgets!
Scuola di Italiano Bertrand RussellCorso Garibaldi 18 - Padova (PD) - Contact
The Bertrand Russell language school is one of the oldest language schools in Padua, offering courses at all levels, and is the ideal venue for learning Italian in our city. Our Italian language courses are attended by students from all over the world.
Punto e virgolaVia Leopardi 18 - Grottaglie (TA) - Contact
Learn Italian with courses in presence and online and discover Puglia with our experiences, ceramic and cooking classes.
Ciao ItaliaVia delle Frasche, 5 - Rome (RM) - Contact
Best price-quality ratio; 20 years experienced teachers; small classes; friendly and homey feeling!
Giga - IH - INTERNATIONAL HOUSE CATANIAViale Mario Rapisardi, 23 - Catania (CT) - Contact
Looking for a school for a unique and authentic experience in a city that is not a tourist-filled destination? Catania is a city vibrant with life all year round and GIGA-INTERNATIONAL HOUSE is the school you are looking for!
Scuola Dante Alighieri - Campus L'InfinitoVia Passero Solitario, 28 - Recanati (MC) - Contact
In the heart of Le Marche region, close to the beach, the school offers 2 and 4-week language courses for all ages and levels. A rich program of activities and excursions complete the didactical offer.
LUM University's School of Italian for Foreigners Via Regina Isabella, 3 - Lecce (LE) - Contact
The School of Italian for Foreigners SISLecce, in partnership with Libera Università Mediterranea LUM "Jean Monnet" offers a rewarding learning experience to anyway with a strong desire to learn Italian.
Trulli Italian SchoolPiazza Pirandello, 3 - Alberobello (BA) - Contact
Learn and live italian language in Alberobello, the beautiful "trulli" town. Italian courses and lots of authentic experiences to enjoy the southern culture in a friendly and familiar environment.
Lucca Italian SchoolVia dei Bacchettoni, 25 - Lucca (LU) - Contact
Lucca Italian School offers courses in Italian for all ages and levels by experienced teachers in a comfortable location. Courses are shaped on the learners' needs aiming at their social and cultural involvement
Kappa Language SchoolVia del Boschetto, 32 - Rome (RM) - Contact
We specialize in assisting students from all over the world in Italian language and communication through our fun and effective methods of teaching.Every word you learn is a Great Beauty to us!
Accademia ItalianaCorso Vittorio Emanuele, 27 - Ascoli-Piceno (AP) - Contact
In the Center of an historic town of art, a few km from the Adriatic Ocean. Small standard courses 3-6 students. Cooking, literature, art, opera courses. Great free afternoon activities.
Federico II - Centro Lingua ItalianaVia Piave, 4 - Catania (CT) - Contact
Federico II - Italian Language School
Scuola Mondo Italia and HomestayVia Dalmazio Birago, 9E - Lecce (LE) - Contact
Mondo Italia & Homestay School: the perfect answer to learn Italian between the crystalline sea and the baroque art in Lecce!
Linguaeparole - Scuola di italiano per tuttiVia Duca degli abruzzi 180 - Catania (CT) - Contact
Learn Italian in an authentic environment that fosters cultural interaction and practical language learning. Linguaeparole offers courses for all levels (A0 to C2) with group and individual options.
GAIA InstituteVia Amendola, 2 - La Maddalena (OT) - Contact
GAIA provides study holidays to all of those who want to learn and live the Italian language and culture through an extraordinary and unique experience in the archipelago of La Maddalena

Punto e virgola
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