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Istituto Galileo Galilei

Istituto Galileo Galilei

Website - Video - Photo gallery - BrochureVia degli Alfani, 68 - 50121 Florence (FI) - Phone +39 055 29 46 80 - Fax +39 055 28 34 81

1 lesson: 60 minutes
Maximum students per class: 4
Books and/or didactic materials: free
Level test: on-line
Registration fee: free
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: Yes
secretary's officeItalian one-to-one courseItalian one-to-one courseItalian small group courseItalian two-to-one courseItalian cooking course

Institute Galilei - the School for Italian language & culture courses
Among the schools for Italian language and culture in Italy, the Galilei Institute is unique in its exclusive specializing in One-to-One, personalized and small group full immersion courses specifically designed for professionals, students and everybody who has little time to study but wishes to acquire significant results in a short period of time. Established in 1985 in the center of Florence (5 minutes walking from the Cathedrale/Duomo), the Galilei Institute attained the highest prestige among language schools in Italy by providing its first class services to the leading companies of the world.

The Institute Galilei's One-to-one courses offer the unique opportunity of getting a deep and durable knowledge of Italian Language, Italian Cooking, Art History and Drawing & Painting without spending too much time. Our One-to-One courses are tailored to fit the student's needs and thus follow a personalized plan of study, from beginner to highly-specializing level. Particular aspects of each study can be explored or emphasized according to the student’s wishes and needs. The One-to-one courses grant full flexibility in terms of schedule and program. They are divided in ten levels ranging from the first for beginners to the tenth in which the complete command of each discipline will be achieved.

With 3-4 students per class, our Small Group courses are a good alternative to One-to-One course for those who prefer to be part of a group class but still wish to work on an almost individual level.
One week of our One-to-One courses corresponds to approximately one month in a class with other students.
The One-to-One courses can be started and finished any day requested. The small group courses start every other Monday.

Our Courses
The Institute Galilei offers the following courses of Italian Language and Culture:

  • Italian Language Courses
    All our Italian Language Courses – One-to-One and small group courses – are given by teachers who have been selected for their specialization of teaching Italian to foreigners and for their natural qualities of communication. In the One-to-One courses, particular aspects of the language such as grammar, conversation, syntax etc can be explored or emphasized according to the students' wishes. In addition, students can request to be trained in the vocabulary of their occupation or area of interest (business vocabulary in general, marketing, finance, tourism etc.). Students can be trained specifically for exams.
  • Italian Cooking Courses
    One-to-One and small group courses held in some of the best restaurants in Florence and taught by professional chefs. The course are very practical, and suitable both for beginners as well as professional cooks who wish to specialize in the Italian cuisine.
  • Art History Courses
    One-to-One and small group courses held in great part directly on sight in order to give a practical approach to the artists and masterpieces studied. The courses outline the art history of the Renaissance period, represented in Florence by some of the most important artists of all times such as Giotto, Masaccio, Botticelli, Brunelleschi, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael.
  • Guided Visits of Florence
    Guided Visits in English and Italian to the main museums, churches, palaces of Florence as well as to the hidden places of Florence. On request, they can be held also in French, German, Spanish and Russian.
  • Drawing & Painting Courses
    individual and small group courses under the guidance of operative artists, directly in their art studio.

School's facilities
The rooms of our school are equipped with air conditioning, audio-visual system, stereo recording facilities and a computer to practice the grammar and to connect to Internet.

The school is located in the center of Florence, only a 5-minute walk from the Cathedrale (Duomo). Florence stands to the Italian language like Oxford to English. Florence is the place where Italian was born and the first writers such as Dante and Boccaccio were Florentines. Still at the present time Florence is the town in Italy where a purer Italian is spoken while in other regions of Italy dialects are spoken and their heavy inflexion in the pronunciation can give foreigners some trouble in understanding the language.

The school's secretaries office can take care of finding the right accommodation among very selected hotels, families, rooms and apartments. Some of the best 3 and 4-star hotels give our students discounts that rise from 10% to 50% depending on the period of the year.

Students Activities
Free weekly tours with a professor of art history to the museums and churches of Florence are organized for the students, as well as excursions to other Italian towns and the seaside during the weekend.

We can help students who attend an American University to receive our credits approved by their Registrar or Dean by giving them a detailed course description together with an evaluation letter by their professors at Galileo Galilei. Usually, 5 semester's credits correspond to 40 hours of a One-to-One course.

The quality of teaching, the programs' reliability, the rigorous attention to the individual and her/his needs are guaranteed by the confidence that the prestigious companies and Institutions give us choosing our courses as a full immersion for their managers and their employees.

Institute Galilei is officially accredited by the Italian Minister of Education.

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