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Punto e virgola

Punto e virgola

Website - Photo gallery - BrochureVia Leopardi 18 - 74023 Grottaglie (TA) - Phone 3484786621

1 lesson: 55 minutes
Maximum students per class: 4
Books and/or didactic materials: free
Level test: on-line and/or first day
Registration fee: free
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: Yes

We organize face-to-face and online Italian courses for foreigners (tourists, workers, resident students for short and long periods) of all levels of CEFR language proficiency.

The student can choose the solution that best suits his needs to:

  • learn the language under the guidance of a qualified Italian L2 teacher;
  • discover the Italian culture according to your interests;
  • take a dip in the Apulian culture (cuisine, crafts, nature and much more)!

The student can choose between individual and group lessons (depending on the period) and can book experiences of knowledge of the territory. The courses take place in Grottaglie, the city of ceramics where it is possible to stay in private apartments, bed and breakfast or typical Apulian farmhouses ("Masserie",far from the city center).

The city is located 20 km from the beaches and Valle d'Itria. With a one hour drive you can reach the famous towns of Alberobello and Matera.

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