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Centro Machiavelli

GAIA Institute

Website - Photo gallery - BrochureVia Amendola, 2 - 07024 La Maddalena (OT) - Phone +39 0789 738104 - Fax +39 178 2235967

1 lesson: 45 minutes
Maximum students per class: 8
Books and/or didactic materials: extra fee
Level test: on-line and/or first day
Registration fee: free
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: Yes

GAIA is an International Institute that offers study holidays in Sardinia. Here you can find courses such as Italian language and culture, landscape, architecture, art, cuisine and much more.

Located in one of the most amazing places in Italy, GAIA courses are strongly related to its territory, as well as internationally highly qualified in collaboration with other Universities.

Our courses and other activities present a great opportunity to experience a different type of formation in which the students not only expand their knowledge but also are able to live the territory and involve to its culture.

Gaia Institute’s mission is not only educating its students academically but also encouraging them to experience a different culture, place and people. The GAIA experience allows developing an integrate process of learning in which the concept “LIVE IT” becomes the essence of our teaching.

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TerramareVia Roma, 42 - Orbetello (GR)
Rocco Rossitto | P.I. 04669890875