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Accademia Italiana

Accademia Italiana

Website - Video - Photo galleryCorso Vittorio Emanuele, 27 - 63100 Ascoli-Piceno (AP) - Phone +39 0736 257735

1 lesson: 60 minutes
Maximum students per class: 6
Books and/or didactic materials: free
Level test: on-line and/or first day
Registration fee: free
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: Yes

Why Ascoli Piceno?

Accademia Italiana is found in Ascoli Piceno, a fascinating medieval town in the Marche Region, a few kilometers from the Adriatic and Appennini Mtns.

Since 1997, we have offered the opportunity to learn the Italian language and culture while discovering the treasures of this ancient town and its many artisan traditions: ceramics, stone making, tombolo (lace).

Taste the most exquisite foods and wines, hike two great national parks or spend a marvelous sunny afternoon on the beaches of the Adriatic!

Why Accademia Italiana?

Very small Standard groups, only 3-6 students!

Our courses are tailored to the linguistic and cultural needs of students.

Grammar is learned through the use of authentic, real-life teaching materials: menus, songs, TV news, magazines and newspapers, games and role playing.

Our teachers are all University graduates, specialized in teaching Italian L2 / LS and love to teach non-natives.

Great free leisure programs such as guided tours of the center, environmental excursions that explore plant/wildlife alongside the Castellano river, visits to wineries & vineyards for tastings of excellent whites (Pecorino, Passerina) and reds (Rosso Piceno, Montepulciano d'Abruzzo) also olive oil productions.
The school also organizes aperitifs, dinners, theatre evenings together and great trips to other cities around the Marche Region and Rome, all at cost price.
Our School offers a wide variety of leasure courses (lessons of 3 hours, 1 or 2 afternoons):

• "History of Italian gastronomy" curiosities, stereotypes and traditions, from Ancient Rome to today
• "Italian holidays" traditions specialities during the holidays (Marche/Abruzzo)
• "Why Italian cuisine is considered one of the best in the world" The typical ingredients of the various areas of Italy and the many ways to prepare Italian food and their cooking methods
• "The lexicon of food and cooking" ; let's learn together the words to use in the restaurant and in the kitchen
• "The Italian Opera" readings and listenings of some arias from masterpieces of Rossini, Pergolesi and Verdi
• "The history of Italy from the Unification (1860) in our day" historical, political and social changes
• "Art and architecture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance"; walking tours that observe the beautiful examples of art and architecture, illustrated throughout the town.

• Cooking classes, Wine and Olive Oil
• Ceramics courses
• Painting Courses
• Courses of Music and Opera
• History Courses of Italian Literature
• History of Art courses
• History of Italian Cooking Courses
• Fashion and Costume Courses

The Accademia also offers Special Courses

• 50+ Program (Italian courses for adults)
• Italian courses for teachers
• Italian courses for professionals (legal, commercial language)
• Italian courses for Tourism and Hotels
• Italian courses for doctors and nurses
• Italian Business Courses
• Internships

• Seasonal programs (Carnival, Easter and Quintana in July and August)

• Italian courses online
• Italian courses for school groups
• Preparation for admission to Italian universities
• Basic / Survival Course of Italian; learn the verbs and words necessary to enjoy your stay in Italy!


You can choose to stay with selected families or in comfortable Bed & Breakfast, always in the town center. Book your accommodations through the school and with no extra cost.
While living within our locals, you will be in close contact with Italians and with the opportunity to practice language skills, while expanding and refining your vocabulary in a natural way.

In a Bed & Breakfast you can take advantage of the independence and freedom of hotel schedules within the comfort of a real Italian home; free to organize your meals and scheduling needs

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TerramareVia Roma, 42 - Orbetello (GR)
Rocco Rossitto | P.I. 04669890875