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Italian courses in Bologna Province

Welcome to our list of Italian language schools in Bologna Province. On this page you find a list of Italian courses in Bologna Province. You can click to open the page dedicated to each school to get more information, go directly to school's site or ask something via the contact form. Choose your Italian language school for foreigners and begin your Italian course in Bologna Province in one of its Municipalities: Bologna. Start to learn Italian in Bologna Province, study Italian in Bologna Province!

ArcaVicolo Posterla,15 - Bologna (BO) - Contact
Arca - learning italian in a friendly and professional school
Cultura ItalianaVia Castiglione, 4 - Bologna (BO) - Contact
Learn Italian in Italy. In Bologna, far away from mass tourism! At Cultura Italiana, immerse yourself in an authentic Italian-only-environment beyond just studying the usual syllabus in multi-language schools.
Academya Lingue - Scuola di italianoVia Santo Stefano, 14 - Bologna (BO) - Contact
Study and learn "la bella lingua" in the marvellous palace Casa Berti and immerse yourself in the unique Italian lifestyle. Academya Lingue is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education/University/Research.

Scuola Dante Alighieri - Campus L'Infinito
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TerramareVia Roma, 42 - Orbetello (GR)
Rocco Rossitto | P.I. 04669890875