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Academya Lingue - Scuola di italiano

WebsiteVia Santo Stefano, 14 - 40125 Bologna (BO) - Phone +39 051 230725 / +39 333 7251888

1 lesson: 60 minutes
Maximum students per class: 6
Books and/or didactic materials: free
Level test: on-line
Registration fee: free
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: Yes

Academya Lingue is a language school and a cultural center based in Bologna with the purpose of promoting the Italian language and culture through language courses and extra-curricular activities (both recreational and cultural).

The school, recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research and by the Directorate General Emilia Romagna, has a well established experience in the field of Italian language and culture teaching to foreign students of all ages and geographical origins.

Academya Lingue has also been chosen by Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna as School of Languages in its International GLOBAL MBA Program and International Master Program.

We are open to each and every student, regardless of their gender, age, race, ethnicity, language, culture, religion, sexual orientation, political opinions, personal and social conditions. We openly support and promote a culture of mutual respect and appreciation of differences, as in the typical great Italian tradition of cultural and linguistic diversity.

The courses are entirely focused on the real needs of the students. The classes have a limited number of students, and the teachers - all native speakers - are continually trained and highly motivated, as to provide students with the best language learning experience in a typical Italian environment. Every week we organize interesting and engaging extracurricular activities so as to offer students a unique and memorable experience.

Our school has free wi-fi access, an internet point, free language resources, a kitchen and air conditioning in every classroom. We are located in the beautiful palace called Casa Berti, situated in the heart of the historic centre of Bologna, within the spectacular Piazza Santo Stefano also known as Piazza delle Sette Chiese - an elegant pedestrian area near the famous Two Towers, many museums, art galleries, shops, stores, coffee bars, restaurants and markets.

The size of Bologna makes it an ideal place to study and fully immerge yourself in the Italian culture. It is also one of the most beautiful cities in Emilia-Romagna and in the entire Italian peninsula. Known throughout Italy and in the world as the Dotta for housing the oldest university in the world, the Grassa for its amazing culinary tradition and the Rossa (for the colors and the warm reflections of its palaces and towers), Bologna is a very livable city that is not too touristic. As such, it is proud and able to offer the famous and incomparable “Italian lifestyle”.

Our teaching method is based on the six levels of language knowledge recognized by the CEFR - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Important international research and studies have shown that learning a language as a child is different from learning a second language as an adult. For this reason, Academya Lingue has adopted an innovative and extremely successful teaching method, regularly monitored and constantly updated, based on the integration of two winning teaching methods: the cognitive-communicative method - where language and culture are closely linked and lead the student to the formal correctness deeply rooted in the social and cultural reality - and the humanistic-affective method - where both the personality of each student and his/her own relationship with the language find a privileged space and are stimulated in a typically Italian pleasant and relaxing atmosphere.

We promote and encourage the integration among students and their participation in extracurricular activities (free of charge), in which the language can be used immediately in order to communicate and interact with Italians, to explore the artistic and natural wonders of Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, and the neighboring regions, and finally to taste delicious gourmet dishes of one of Italy’s greatest culinary tradition, so that the student can spend an unforgettable study-vacation.

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