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Punto e virgola

Punto e virgola

Info - Website - Photo gallery - BrochureVia Leopardi 18 - 74023 Grottaglie (TA) - Phone 3484786621

🚀 Italian Turbo: Intensive Week in Grottaglie
Get ready to fully immerse yourself in the Italian language and discover the unique culture of Grottaglie!

🗓 When? One super-intensive week: 30 hours of in-person lessons!
👥 For whom? Total beginners – even if you’re starting from scratch, this course is perfect for you!
🎯 Goal: Start speaking, understanding, and living Italian in just a few days!

📍 Where? Grottaglie, the town famous for its ceramics and authentic Apulian charm.
💡 Cultural extras: In addition to the lessons, you can join unique experiences like traditional cooking classes and ceramic workshops to dive even deeper into Italian culture!

🖊 Sign up now and turn your passion for Italian into an unforgettable adventure! 🇮🇹

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ABC School Sestri Levante
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Scuola Mondo Italia and HomestayVia Dalmazio Birago, 9E - Lecce (LE)
TerramareVia Roma, 42 - Orbetello (GR)
Rocco Rossitto | P.I. 04669890875