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Otzi the Iceman 'survived attack a few days before being killed' - Otzi, the 5,000-year-old Iceman survived a fight a few days before an arrow attack by tribal rivals in which he was injured and later bled to death, it has been disclosed. (Telegraph)
Scientists to test DNA to find out if Galileo could really see stars - When he was buried – at the insistence of the Catholic church in unconsecrated ground – Galileo Galilei left behind at least two conundrums... (Guardian)
Italy’s car workers protest at aid plan - Italy’s trade union leaders and car workers on Wednesday protested against... (Financial Time)
France's First Lady Carla Bruni: A Traitor to Italy? - Madame Nicolas Sarkozy has been a big hit in her adopted country France but, in so doing, she has injured the pride of her native Italy (Time)
Motor Bike Expo - The 1st Motorcycles' Show at Verona - 16-17-18 January 2009 (Motor Bike Expo)
Trieste Film Festival - A voyage without destination, above the walls of politics, mentality, physical, economical – which cast a penetrating, ironic and sometimes provocative gaze on the way in which music is produced, used and lived outside the great media circus. (Trieste film festival)
Italy pursues 100 mobsters in anti-Mafia swoop - Italian police said they launched a pre-dawn swoop today to arrest 100 people suspected of trying to rebuild the top ranks of the Sicilian Mafia, which has been weakened by the recent arrests of powerful mob leaders. (The Indipendent)
The ogre in the attic - ITALY’S public debt, the world’s third-biggest, equivalent to over 104% of GDP, is not so much the elephant in the living room as the ogre in the attic. (the Economist)
Why Berlusconi Loves a Good Gaffe - The Italian Prime Minister's latest in a string of bad jokes raises the question: does he do it on purpose? (Time)
Floodwaters Begin to Recede in Venice - Floodwaters in Venice began to subside on Tuesday after reaching their highest point in 22 years on Monday, forcing residents and tourists alike to stay inside or venture out in hip-waders (The New York Times)
A Reporter Lands a Slot on Italian Best-Seller Lists and Hit Lists - IN Italy, it is called the “Saviano effect,” the intense national focus on the Camorra elicited by Roberto Saviano’s 2006 best seller, “Gomorrah,” which traced the rise of the Campania region’s violent and economically mighty clans (The New York Times)
Google Earth users can now see ancient Rome - Its creator has called it a "virtual time machine" - a digital reconstruction of ancient Rome that yesterday became available to internet users around the world. Users of Google Earth can now see the city, down to the last aqueduct and arena, as it looked at noon on April 1 AD 320. (the Guardian)
Church fury as coma woman allowed to die - Italy's Supreme Court provoked the fury of conservatives yesterday by ruling that a father can disconnect the feeding tube that has kept his daughter alive in a coma for nearly 17 years. (The Indipendent)
Peter Popham: Double standards at the Vatican - One of the bravest men in Italy was this week granted "a way out of hell", as he put it – only to find there was another hell right next door. (The Indipendent)
Italy: High Court Allows Removal of Feeding Tube - Italy’s highest court ruled that the father of a woman in a persistent vegetative state could remove his daughter’s feeding tube, ending a case that has divided the country. (The New York Times)
Gomorrah writer hunted by mafia tires of life in hiding - Since writing his novel about the Camorra, now a celebrated film, Roberto Saviano has been living under threat of assassination. Here he gives his first interview to a UK newspaper since going into hiding (the Guardian)
Beckham pins his England hopes on move to Milan - It is less than two years since David Beckham moved to Hollywood to spend more time with Tom Cruise - and kick a ball about for a relatively obscure football team. But yesterday... (the Guardian)
Italian government to sell final stake in Cinecitta - Legendary studios that played host to such epics as Ben Hur and Quo Vadis as well as most of Federico Fellini's oeuvre will entirely be under private control for the first time (the Guardian)
Found: Tomb of the general who inspired 'Gladiator' - Natural disaster makes for great archaelogy. Pompeii and Herculaneum we owe to the fury of Vesuvius – and today Italy's Culture Ministry announced the dramatic discovery... (the Indipendent)
Italy’s Crisis Has Premier Riding High - ROME — This month, as markets plummeted and investors panicked, Italy’s billionaire prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, watched shares in some of his own companies nose-dive 40 percent... (the New York Times)
Rome reveals tombs of dark ages city - Other archaeological finds include site of emperor Caligula's murder, nobleman's tomb and baths used by rich and powerful. (the Guardian)
"Gomorra" author to flee Italy after death threat - Roberto Saviano wants to leave his town to try to have a more normal life (STEPHEN BROWN (REUTERS))
Silvio Berlusconi 'used state helicopter for private health farm visit' - Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi is in hot water over the use of a state chopper which picked him up from a health farm following a private visit. (Telegraph)
Former showgirl helps Rome's relations with Romanians - A former showgirl is to advise Rome's hardline government on how to improve relations with its much maligned Romanian immigrants. (Telegraph)
Italy Defends Treasures (and Laws) With a Show - Every statue, vase and archaeological shard on display in “Ruins and the Rebirth of Art in Italy,” a show that opened last week at the Colosseum in Rome, has a story to tell. (The New York Times)
Spike Lee in the line of fire - Director accused of twisting history by Italians who question the veracity of Miracle at St Anna (the Guardian)
Sicilian mayor sells homes for €1 Euro - A decaying and impoverished hill town in the heart of Sicily known for little else than its Mafia connections and the earthquake that demolished it 40 years ago is being reborn as a new and improbable centre of la dolce vita, thanks to its new mayor, a celebrity art critic. (The Indipendent)
Details Only Add to Puzzle in Umbrian Murder Case - The killing of a British student continues to baffle and intrigue Perugia, Italy, though a year has gone by without any decisive developments. (New York Times)
In Italy, a Redesign of Nature to Clean It - A new breed of landscape architects is recommending a radical solution: not so much to restore environments as to redesign them. (New York Times)

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