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Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini

Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini

Website - Photo galleryVia Vespucci 173 - 55049 Viareggio (LU) - Phone +39 0584 430253

1 lesson: 45 minutes
Maximum students per class: 12
Books and/or didactic materials: free
Level test: on-line
Registration fee: 70 €
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: Yes

Extra courses
Art Courses - Cooking Courses - Over 50 - Wine Courses

Seaside cities

Accreditations - Membership
Ail - Asils - Bildungsurlaub - EDU Italia

The Giacomo Puccini Center is an Italian language and culture school for foreigners, located at the sea, in the Tuscan coast, in Viareggio.
The school has been operating since 1988 and is recognized by the Ministry of Education.
Offers intensive Italian courses. The school organizes various cultural activities.

The school helps you find selected homestays, shared apartments or hotels.
The school is located just 400 meters from the sea and the apartments are within walking distance, as is the sea.

The teachers are specialized and mother tongue Italian.
In addition to the intensive group courses we offer courses dedicated to Senior students, Individual courses, Super Intensive courses and Italiano Diploma courses. The school offers its own documentation to obtain a study visa.
Viareggio is one of the most famous seaside cities in Tuscany and is characterized by the Liberty style of the buildings.

The beaches of Viareggio are very well maintained, deep and well served.
The nearest airport is only 30 Km (Pisa Airport) and there is a direct bus from the airport to Viareggio.

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