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L'Italiano Porticando

L'Italiano Porticando

Website - Video - Photo galleryVia Pietro Micca, 20 - 10122 Turin (TO) - Phone +39 011 5187079 - Fax +39 011 5130840

1 lesson: 55 minutes
Maximum students per class: 8
Books and/or didactic materials: free
Level test: on-line and/or first day
Registration fee: free
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: Yes

Turin, defined as "The door to Italy", is situated in a strategic geographical position between the Alps and the Ligurian seaside. Founded during the Roman epoch, Turin, has its peak of splendour during the Baroque epoch under the House of Savoy. It grew during the following centuries and became Italy’s first Capital in the eighteenth century and one of the most important industrial poles during the nineteenth century. Today, Turin is becoming a magnet for cultural events thanks to its many national museums, as f. ex. The National Museum of Cinema, the Egyptian Museum, many modern arts exhibitions and yearly international appointments, as the International Book Fair and the "Salone del Gusto". Turin is also a magical place full of itineraries to follow at night, with many places for entertainment, particular and alternative restaurants, wine bars and cafés where young and old can have a good time.

L'Italiano Porticando, situated in a beautiful eighteenth century building in the historic city centre, the “Quadrilatero Romano”, near most important sightseeing destinations and cultural attractions, is a small and friendly school, specialized in teaching the Italian language and culture to foreigners. The student finds here an inviting and warm atmosphere allowing him to learn easily the Italian language and to get to know many aspects of daily life in Italy. The lessons are held by experienced mother-tongue teachers using the direct communicative teaching method and motivating the students to participate actively in their lessons and extra-curricular activities: In the afternoon the students have the possibility to join cooking lessons, to take part in wine tastings and in walks in the city centre practising outside the classroom what they have learned at school.

There school offers
a) Small group courses
b) Standard courses
c) Private lessons and from 1 to 4 weeks per level.

These are organized for all language proficiency levels. The school proposes a number of Combined courses: a combination of Standard course with additional private lessons, literature, arts, architecture, tango, cinema or business Italian. Furthermore, the students can join the school’s Cultural courses on history, history of arts, cinema, literature, waterpainting, cooking classes and wine and chocolate workshops .

For groups, there are Language holiday courses: one-week-courses with a particular "topic", which allow to integrate a cultural holiday with language learning. This is also valid for our Special topic courses like Italian for Gourmets or Christmas in Turin.

Free accommodation research service, free internet access, free afternoon activities, airport pick-up service on request.

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Scuola di Italiano Bertrand Russell
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