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Website - Video - BrochureVia Lamarmora, 31 - 10128 Turin (TO) - Phone +39 011 593872

1 lesson: 60 minutes
Maximum students per class: 8
Books and/or didactic materials: free
Level test: on-line
Registration fee: 65 €
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: Yes

CiaoItaly, the school of Italian language for foreigners, was born in Turin from multicultural experience and from professionalism of the staff of abbeySCHOOL. The institution is a member of the ASILS, the AIL and Eduitalia, and has also been recognised by CSN Lund-Sweden.

Moreover, the school is also a centre for the provision of Bildungsurlaub courses. Since 2012 it has been running a Master in Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language and as a Second Language. In 2013, the school became an authorised exam centre of the Accademia Italiana di Lingua (AIL) and is qualified to organise «Firenze» exams.

The school guarantees to all who need to learn Italian in Turin with high quality of education through individual courses, group courses, and intensive courses. With sensitivity to the growing demand of Italian language courses from Asian students (Chinese, Japanese, Korean), the school has also provided the programs and text books suitable for this typology of students.

The access to each course foresees an entry test to help the school form classes according to the level of the students. The lessons are taught by dynamic and qualified native speaker teachers.

The school offers the students an opportunity to get to know cultural and artistic richness of the territory by means of numerous procreative activities: cooking courses, typical products and wine tasting, organization of specialty dinner, visits to Turin city with a tourist guide, visits to museums, evenings in local restaurants, excursions to the discovery of Piedmont.

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Rocco Rossitto | P.I. 04669890875