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Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri Roma

Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri Roma

Website - Photo gallery - BrochurePiazza Bologna, 1 - 00162 Rome (RM) - Phone 06 44231400 - Fax 06 44231007

1 lesson: 45 minutes
Maximum students per class: 12
Books and/or didactic materials: free
Level test: first day
Registration fee: free
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: Yes

The Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri Roma group was formed in 1994 and specialises in teaching Italian language and culture to students from all over the world. The Italian Ministry of Education also recognizes the school’s high calibre instruction. It is open all year-round.

The Rome centre is housed in a stylish turn of the century building, at 1 Piazza Bologna. It is within easy reach of the city centre and all other areas, amply served by Underground Line B and many bus routes. The classrooms are airy and bright, providing an excellent space for students to engage in learning. The picturesque terrace is an added feature which students enjoy as a place to meet during session breaks.

At our school, the method employed integrates a grammatical as well as interactive approach and highlights communication throughout the class. It is important to know not only the grammatical structure of a language, but also have the ability to communicate easily. Groups are limited to a maximum of 12 students.

The managing staff and the teachers - in ensuring a top professional level - reserve a warm welcome and a friendly treatment, assisting the student from the enrolment to the end of their courses (accommodation, freetime, acquisition of the residence permit).

The Linguistica srl which runs the Clida is accredited to the Region Lazio. In following the specific procedures of the Regional Accreditation, the Linguistica srl guarantees that all the activities are offered in view of quality and constant improvement through the required procedures such as: the survey of the client's satisfaction, the monitoring of activities, the annual planning of the goals, the drafting of the Quality Card, the updating of the inner staff, the feedbacks of the provided services, the consideration of training needs, the updating of the roster of the teachers.

Courses offered
Intensive group & “one to one” courses (Monday/Friday) - held in the morning or in the afternoon develop through absolute beginners to advanced levels. Group courses may be combined with 1 or 2 individual hours a day (afternoon) for those who have only 2 weeks available and need an intensive and personalized course.

Internship program - It offers international students the possibility of developing communication skills, gain a different perspective of living and working in a different culture and develop effective functional skills in a specific field with the additional bonus of a learning and using their Italian language skills.

Opera program - it aims to deepen the linguistic structures from a grammatical and syntactical point of view, to improve pronunciation and diction. The singing lessons (technique, interpretation and style), provided by experienced singing teachers and Italian opera singers, enable you to practice the music which most interests you and put to use the skills you learn at school.

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TerramareVia Roma, 42 - Orbetello (GR)
Rocco Rossitto | P.I. 04669890875