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WebsiteVia Armando Diaz, 47 - 07026 Olbia (OT) - Phone (0039) 333 21 33 760 - Fax (0039) 0789 39059

1 lesson: 50 minutes
Maximum students per class: 6
Books and/or didactic materials: free
Level test: on-line
Registration fee: free
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: Yes

Study italian on holiday by the sea in Sardinia: combine benefit and pleasure, learning the italian language and culture and relaxing by the sea on a nice holiday in a charming place, where the climate is perfect, discovering the natural and archaeological wealth, on the most beautiful and desired beaches of the Mediterranean sea.

Studitalia is a small school of italian language offering small group courses in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. You can take tourist italian courses as well as more structured programs, throughout the year.

Olbia is on the north-eastern cost of Sardinia, not far from Costa Smeralda, where all the italians (but not only italians) wish they could spend their holidays. The Costa Smeralda (which derives it's name from the amazing and unique in the world emerald colour of its sea), situated between Olbia and the arcipelago of La Maddalena, where popular hero Garibaldi lived after he made Italy, it's well-known for its natural beauties, the enchanting extra- fine white sandy beaches, the crystal-clear water, the multiform rocks, the romantic bays, the typical mediterranean vegetation, the pure air, the nice climate, the marine parks, the excursion-routes, the divine cheese and wines, the archaeological wealth, heritage of the mythical nuragic civilization, flourished on the island thousands years ago.

The school is located near to the centre. We offer all the zeal, reliability and enthusiasm to guarantee a nice and friendly atmosphere, both in the class time and out of it. Teachers are mother tongue, graduates of the University in Italy , experienced and fond of their job.

Classes are open to people of every age. Lessons in class last 50 minutes, individual ones 60. The number of students per class is 5-6 at most, to guarantee a careful assistance and the best conditions for the learning. During italian lessons, we try to offer the student basic language structures, through brief but clear explanations, with abundancy of examples, reading dialogs and doing comprehension exercices, to fix communication patterns. We work on the vocabulary according to the student or the group needs, with different activities, so that the student can take possession of structures and mechanism. One or more breaks are taken during the lessons, to guarantee freshness and interactive energy.

The vocabulary is selected, above all, according to the practical usefulness in the most common situations of every-day life in Italy. The student receives a certificate of attendance, at the end of the course. At least 10 hours of free extracurricular activities are organized every week. We offer information services, about local events, activities, restauration and amusement, transportation, car, scooter, boat and sea-scooter rental, diving, sailing and riding activities. Moreover, students can rent a bicycle for a cheap price.


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