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L'Italiano Porticando

La Giara

Website - Video - Photo galleryVia Cesare Beccaria, 196 - 70042 Mola di Bari (BA) - Phone 0039 3494626541 - Fax 0049 8161 789529

1 lesson: 55 minutes
Maximum students per class: 8
Books and/or didactic materials: extra fee
Level test: first day
Registration fee: free
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: No

Seaside cities - Small Schools

Accreditations - Membership
Bildungsurlaub - Cils

Learning Italian as a second language in one of Italy’s most beautiful seaport cities is definitely a unique experience. Tucked away on the Adriatic Sea, it offers a tranquil setting, and its 26,000 inhabitants add all the local color one needs to get a first hand look at everyday life in Italy. Mola’s streets are filled with a multitude of stores to cater to your every need. If its eating you like, feel free to try some of the many restaurants Mola has to offer. However if you prefer to cook at home in one the many beautiful apartments the school offers, go on down to the docks, any day at 5 O’clock and buy the fresh catch of the day. Learning to speak Italian was never so enjoyable.

The School
La Giara is the first boutique school in Italy. La Giara offers a professional program designed for each student whether at beginner or intermediate level. Our classes have no more than 4 to 8 students at each level, and students are matched with one another to make certain they will work compatibly together. Should you need individual attention, there is always someone to help you. The environment surrounding the school is absolutely Italian. There students can immerse themselves in the study of the language. The citizens of Mola speak only Italian, and this is where your morning grammar and vocabulary sessions, work well with your mid morning outing to the caffé. Our students are able to apply what they learn to various situations of everyday life.

At La Giara, you will always find all the services and assistance necessary for constant guidance during your stay in Mola di Bari. La Giara is located in the central part of the city, just a few steps from the Cathedral and the Piazza XX Settembre. We encourage our students to chat with the locals, shop at the local stores, and when possible, go along with them for support. The City Staying in Mola di Bari is like taking a step back in time. This quaint 800 year old city, nestled on the Adriatic Sea, has spectacular views of the sea as well as Mola’s famous seaport.

A place where one can sit and relax while watching the boats come into the harbor each day, late in the afternoon, as the small shops and stores are re-opening after a long afternoon of rest and fine cuisine. At the port one can buy fresh fish at the open market, stroll down the beautiful narrow streets, and buy fresh fruits and vegetables, stop in the local cheese shop, and smell the fresh baked bread, at a bakery a few doors up. Along the way The Piazza XX Settembre with its beautiful fountain is the central focus of the city. It carries on the rich Italian tradition of the meeting place for its citizens. It’s also an ideal place to have a morning or evening espresso in one of the many caffé’s Mola has to offer. And surrounding the city are lush rich fields where a variety of crops are grown and exported around the world.

Our Services
We arrange private and group tours around Mola di Bari as well as other towns and places of interest. We can help you make any reservations for your trips or weekends outside of Mola. Suggestions for trips/ excursions by car, bus or train are readily available. Appointment The courses start every Monday.

The Courses
- The general course: 20 hours per week
- The Intensive course: 30 hours per week
- Private Lessons: one-to-one
- Couples private sessions: two- to-one, for those students who want to study alone with their husband, wife, friend…

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