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Istituto Il David

WebsiteVia de' Vecchietti 1 - 50123 Florence (FI) - Phone +39.055.216110

1 lesson: 55 minutes
Maximum students per class: 12
Books and/or didactic materials: free
Level test: on-line
Registration fee: free
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: Yes
Istituto Il David is an Italian language school that offers Italian language and culture courses in Florence. It is the ideal place for students who want to improve or learn the Italian language and who want to live an unforgettable experience in one of the most beautiful cities in the world together with students from all over the world.

The school is located in the historic center of Florence, a few steps from Piazza della Repubblica and Palazzo Strozzi, in one of the most prestigious and safe areas of the city, the area of world-wide famous fashion shops and financial services, at 5 minutes walk from the Cathedral and 10 minutes walk from the Santa Maria Novella central station. All the most important monuments such as Ponte Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria, and Palazzo Vecchio are located between 5 and 10 minutes walking distance.

It was established in 1983 and was one of the first Italian language schools in Italy. The long experience combined with a constant renewal of the teaching method and the friendly approach of the teachers always guarantees excellent results for all students.

It is open all year round. It is possible to attend all courses from January to December, except for the Christmas period.

It is officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education and is a member of Eduitalia and Scuole Licet.

The school is equipped with air conditioning (very important during the heat of summer) and free wi-fi connection for students.
The teachers are Italian mother-tongue speakers, graduated, and have a minimum of 6 months teaching experience. They follow students' progress individually with patience and availability and always conduct interesting, dynamic, and fun lessons.

Classes have an average of 5-10 students per class, up to a maximum of 12.

Students come from over 50 countries around the world creating a lively international environment and an interesting cultural exchange. Students are divided by levels, usually from 4 to 6 levels of knowledge of Italian (from beginner to advanced).

Italian language courses take place from Monday to Friday mainly in the morning, while the intensive course lessons, individual lessons, and Italian culture lessons take place mainly in the afternoon.

The school offers about 15-20 extracurricular activities per month. Usually the activities held in the school are free. They are carried out during the afternoon and on weekends.

The school offers a free service of accommodation research for its students. Most of the accommodations are located in the center at a distance of about 5-20 minutes walk from the school.

The school offers a wide variety of courses:
- group courses of 2, 4 or 6 hours per day
- group courses combined with private lessons of 5, 6 or 7 hours per day
- personalized individual courses
- courses for couples and families
- individual online courses
- courses for school groups
- courses for junior students (14-17 years old)
- courses for adult students (50+)
- summer courses
- preparation courses for the CILS exam
- Italian cooking courses
- art courses
- craft courses
- painting courses
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