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Cultura Italiana Arezzo

Cultura Italiana Arezzo

Website - Photo galleryCorso Italia, 258 - 52100 Arezzo (AR) - Phone +39 0575 355755 - Fax +39 0575 409298

1 lesson: 50 minutes
Maximum students per class: 10
Books and/or didactic materials: free
Level test: on-line
Registration fee: free
Accommodation service: free
Wi-Fi: Yes

Cultura Italiana Arezzo is an accredited Italian language school located right in the heart of Arezzo, one of Tuscany's most beautiful cities.

We offer students at all levels flexible, tailored Italian courses taught in a friendly, personable way by our committed teaching team. As part of your language course, you can experience Italy close up, soak up the culture and make new friends by choosing from our many additional activities and we are always on hand to organise a place to stay, and give help and advice during your time in Italy. However you prefer to study - intensively or on a part-time basis, as part of a small group (only 5-10 students per group to maximise student-teacher interaction) or in one-to-one lessons - we can help.

We are a team of young, enthusiastic professionals who are all passionate about teaching and helping our students get the most out of their course. Together we will establish your personal objectives, then work with you to help you achieve them. What's more, we want you to really enjoy learning with us!

Whether you are completely new to Italian or are a more advanced student wanting to improve your fluency, whether you are relocating permanently to Italy and are keen to integrate or just want to brush up on your language skills while you are here on holiday - whatever your requirements, we have a language course to suit you!

Enhance your learning experience with the chance to really immerse yourself in Italian life and practice your language skills as you study. We want to help you to get the most from your stay with us so offer a wide range of activities for our students to enjoy. We will accompany you on weekly outings to nearby local attractions and can organise special weekend trips, giving you the opportunity to visit some of Tuscany and Umbria's most famous towns and villages.

You can learn how to prepare delicious traditional cuisine with a local chef or enrol in drawing, music or singing classes here in Arezzo.
Take a trip with us to a picturesque local winery where you can sample Tuscan wines and olive oil or join our new evening Italian conversation group to chat and make new friends - the choice is yours!

We can organise a place for you to stay during your time here in Arezzo and have access to a range of accommodation from luxury apartments in the centro storico, independent and shared apartments in the town centre to lodging with a local family, hotels and b&bs. We can even assist you in renting a villa in the country if you are planning a holiday around your language course. We are pleased to offer this service to our students free of charge as a complimentary addition to your course.

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